
The Treasure Within You

Inspired by the teachings of Pastor Chris Oyakhilome


Greetings in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ! Today, we’re diving into a powerful truth that Pastor Chris Oyakhilome often shares in his messages — a truth that can change your life and position you for greatness. That truth is: The Treasure Within You.

You may have heard this before, but I want you to take a moment and truly reflect on what it means to have a treasure within you. What is this treasure? Where is it? How does it affect your life? How does it change your future? Pastor Chris teaches us that this treasure is not just some metaphorical idea; it is a reality in the life of every believer.

The Reality of the Treasure:

In 2 Corinthians 4:7, the Apostle Paul says, “But we have this treasure in earthen vessels, that the excellency of the power may be of God, and not of us.” (KJV)

This scripture is the foundation of our message today. Paul is declaring that there is a treasure within us — a treasure that has been deposited in our spirits by God Himself. This treasure is not material wealth, but the very life and nature of God! Pastor Chris often teaches that this treasure is the divine nature that has been imparted to us through Jesus Christ.

What does this mean? It means that when you gave your life to Christ, something supernatural happened inside of you. The power of God, the divine essence of who He is, was placed within you. You became a partaker of the divine nature (2 Peter 1:4). This treasure is the very nature of God — His ability, His glory, His wisdom, His love, and His power — and it resides within you.

This is a life-altering reality. You don’t have to look for greatness somewhere out there, because the greatness you seek is already within you. Pastor Chris reminds us that this treasure is already inside of us, and it’s not something that we need to beg God for. It’s already there, waiting to be unleashed!

Understanding the Treasure:

The treasure within us is the Holy Spirit. The Bible tells us that the Holy Spirit is the seal of our redemption (Ephesians 1:13-14), and through the Holy Spirit, we have access to all of God’s promises. The Holy Spirit empowers us to live victorious lives, to manifest the divine nature in our everyday experiences. This is why we are never meant to live ordinary lives. We are meant to live extraordinary lives, filled with the fullness of God!

Pastor Chris teaches us that understanding this treasure is key to unlocking its potential. Many Christians go through life unaware of the treasure they possess, which is why they live defeated, uninspired, or lacking. But when you realize that the power to succeed, to prosper, to heal, to overcome is already inside of you, it changes everything.

This treasure is not just for spiritual success but for every area of your life — your health, your business, your relationships, and your career. As Pastor Chris often says, “When you know what’s inside you, you’ll stop looking outside for solutions.” You don’t need to go searching for external answers when you have the answer within you.

The Impact of the Treasure:

When you understand that the treasure within you is the very presence of God, your life takes on a new meaning. The power to create, to change circumstances, and to influence the world around you is in your hands. You have the ability to change your world because the power of God is within you!

The Bible gives us many examples of individuals who recognized the treasure within them and used it to accomplish mighty things. Take David, for example. As a young shepherd boy, David faced a giant named Goliath. To the natural eye, David was outmatched. He was small, inexperienced in battle, and ill-equipped to fight a seasoned warrior like Goliath. But David didn’t rely on his own strength; he relied on the treasure within him — the power of God.

In 1 Samuel 17:45, David boldly declared, “You come against me with sword and spear, but I come against you in the name of the Lord Almighty, the God of the armies of Israel, whom you have defied.” David knew that the God of Israel was with him, and that was all he needed to defeat the giant. And defeat the giant he did!

David understood that the treasure within him was more than enough to overcome any obstacle. He knew that he was not alone, that the divine power of God was backing him up. This same treasure is within you today! The power that enabled David to conquer a giant is the same power that will help you overcome every challenge you face in your life, in your business, and in your career.

Unleashing the Treasure:

The question now is, How do we unlock and unleash this treasure within us? The key is in knowledge — specifically, the epignosis (revelation knowledge) of God. Pastor Chris teaches that the more you know about God’s Word, the more you can tap into the power that lies within you. The knowledge of God’s Word is the catalyst that activates the treasure within.

In 2 Peter 1:3, the Bible says, “According as his divine power hath given unto us all things that pertain unto life and godliness, through the knowledge of him that hath called us to glory and virtue.” (KJV)

Everything you need for success in life is already within you, but you need to know it. The more you understand God’s Word and His promises, the more you will begin to see the manifestation of the treasure within you. Pastor Chris encourages us to meditate on the Word, to speak it over our lives, and to act on it. When you begin to speak the Word of God, you activate the power within you.

As Pastor Chris often says, “Your words carry power because you are filled with the treasure of the Holy Spirit.” You have the ability to speak life into your situation, to command your circumstances to align with God’s will. You don’t need to wait for someone else to pray for you — the power is in your hands! Speak life over your health, your finances, your relationships, and watch the treasure within you transform your world.

A Call to Repentance and Renewal:

Today, I want to encourage you to make a commitment to walk in the fullness of the treasure within you. But before we can fully embrace this truth, we must first repent for any ways we’ve allowed ourselves to live beneath the greatness God has placed inside of us. Have we been living in fear, doubt, or unbelief? Have we allowed our circumstances to define us, rather than the Word of God?

Repentance is the first step to realigning our lives with God’s will. Repentance means turning away from the old mindset and embracing the new creation we are in Christ Jesus. Pastor Chris teaches that when we repent, we open ourselves to the full manifestation of God’s power and presence in our lives.

If you’ve been living beneath the potential that God has placed inside of you, today is the day to make a fresh commitment. Ask God to open your eyes to the treasure within you, and to help you live according to the divine nature He has given you. It’s time to step into the greatness that God has already placed within you.


The treasure within you is not just for you — it’s for the world around you. You are a vessel of glory and excellence, and God wants to use you to bring about His will on earth. As Pastor Chris often says, “You are a solution to the world’s problems.” The world is waiting for you to rise up and manifest the treasure within you.

So, I urge you today: Take action! Recognize the treasure within you, embrace the knowledge of God’s Word, and let the power of the Holy Spirit work through you. Your life is meant for greatness, and it starts now. Walk in the fullness of the divine nature you’ve received, and watch as God’s glory is revealed through your life.

Let’s pray:

Heavenly Father, thank You for the treasure You have placed within us. We repent for any way we’ve allowed doubt, fear, or ignorance to hold us back. Today, we commit to walking in the fullness of Your power and glory. Open our eyes to the treasure within us, and help us to live lives that bring You glory. In Jesus’ name, Amen.

Go out today, knowing that the treasure within you is more than enough to accomplish all that God has called you to do. Be bold, be courageous, and let the world see the greatness of God within you!



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